Monday, 12 September 2011

Revised Lifeform Sketches Part One

I began redrafting my designs this evening, making sure to only take inspiration from the items provided. I experimented mainly with the rotation and reflection of familiar shapes, and simplifying so that they would fit well with the images within my head.
I began with experimenting with reflecting a simplified versions of familiar shapes in the items, most notably, the high heels. As I experimented further with the technique of symmetry, I noticed my sketches were developing into somewhat insect-like creations. I pursued this idea, and tried to keep away from a predictable, bipedal creation.
My next design began as a design for another, beetle-like creature, which ultimately bled into some misshapen, deformed humanoid. Even though I was attempting to keep away from designs of this style, I found the quirky, somewhat menacing tone of the image incredibly charming, and I had to continue to build upon this.
I roughly sketched a head out and began to loosely flesh out a body, taking inspiration from shapes within shapes, for example, the arch formed beneath the high heel. I structured the thighs around the handles of the scissors, the neck from the concertina tubing and top half of the torso from two high heels, touching sole-to-sole. I will build upon this idea tomorrow, and hopefully finalise my turnaround of this lifeform too.

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