Thursday, 15 September 2011

Revised Building Design

This is the roughly refined design for my revised building. The curved base is taken from the profile of scissor handles, with the larger building being inspired by the electric razor. The curved building was developed from a profile of a high heel shoe. The rest of the smaller touches can be found in most of the items, such as the circles being in almost everything and the striped pattern being taken from the concertina-like tubing.
I like this design as it reminds me of 1950's Googie-style architecture and the French tourist attraction, Futuroscope. The minimalist design plays to the outstanding characteristics of the items well, and I feel that the choice of shapes form a convincing structure.
In this final refined design of the building, I have added minor features to the rear of the building to make the building feel as if it is fit for a purpose. The external elevators and consistent rows of windows lend the design to that of an expensive hotel or convention centre. 

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