Monday, 3 November 2014

Minor Project: Refining Franklin

Going from my preferred thumbnail, I've quickly drawn up some refinements for Franklin.

I've chosen to retain the simplistic anatomy at this stage, although that may change as the character is developed.

I started off drawing a character that was reminiscent of the teenagers in Dogtown and Z-Boys, although I felt this didn't really fit the setting nor was it at all unsettling.

Moving onwards, I began looking at more snippets from 1970s clothing catalogues, giving Franklin a fairly loose knitted jumper and flared trousers, although this seemed a bit too straight-laced for the character, not to mention its resemblance to Miles from The Innocents.

Finally, I decided to strip back the baggy clothing and instead, give Franklin a knitted waistcoat and long sleeved shirt. I decided to give him some marigolds to add a little incongruity to the outfit. This is probably my favourite of the refinements, hence the colouring, so this will likely be the design I expand upon.

In terms of overall design, I've began looking at paper fashion cutouts and diagrams in knitting and clothing pattern books of the time. Its a very simple, flat style, but I think it may work quite well in my animation, as a good balance between a realistic, yet stylistic environment.

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